Veralox 500mg

Manufacturer: Rotex
Generic: Levofloxacin 500mg oral
Guarantee: 100% Genuine Product
Delivery: 24 Hours
Availability: In stock

Risk Factors:

Pregnancy: Contraindicated in pregnancy. Lactation: Contraindicated or not recommended. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to levofloxacin or ofloxacin tendon disorders epilepsy myasthenia gravis MRSA.


Indications Infections caused by pathogens sensitive to levofloxacin. See below under dosage.

Adverse Effects:

GI upset raised liver enzymes tendon disorders (discontinue) insomnia headache dizziness anorexia dysgeusia dyspnoea arthralgia myalgia tinnitus asthenia
pyrexia reports of visual disturbances hepatic Injectionury severe skin disorders peripheral neuropathy (discontinue).

Don’t Use:

Precautions: Renal impairment G6PD deficiency porphyria. Risk of pseudomembranous colitis; consider if patient has persistent diarrhoea (discontinue). Avoid
strong UV light. Caution in patients with psychosis or a history of psychiatric disease. Risk of seizures. Risk of tendinitis and hepatic necrosis. Diabetes QT

Alternatives for Levofloxacin 500mg oral

Tevoflox 500mgPeari 188.10
S-fiox 500mgGenix 189.00
Savelox 500mgPCW 202.50
Revocin 500mgReko 207.00
Stanflox 500mgStandpharm 210.60
Topocid 500mgICI 256.50
Relvo 500mgRelizon 261.00
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