Cougar 20 mg
Risk Factors:
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to rosuvastatin. Active hepatic disease breastfeeding pregnancy unexplained persistent elevations of hepatic enzymes.Pregnancy/Lactation: Contraindicated in pregnancy (suppression of cholesterol biosynthesis may cause fetal toxicity) lactation. Risk of serious adverse reactions in breastfeeding infants. Children: Safety and efficacy not esTabletlished in children younger than 7 yrs. Elderly: No age-related precautions noted.
Adjunct to diet therapy in pts with primary hyperlipidemia and mixed
dyslipidemia; to decrease elevated total LDL cholesterol serum triglyceride
levels; increases HDL. Adjunct to diet to slow progression of atherosclerosis in
pts with elevated cholesterol. Treatment of primary dysbetalipoproteinemia
homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Treatment of pts ages 10?17
yrs with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) to reduce elevated
total cholesterol LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B. Primary prevention of
cardiovascular disease (risk reduction of MI stroke arterial revascularization)
without clinically evident CAD but with multiple risk factors.
Adverse Effects:
Generally well tolerated. Side effects are usually mild transient. Occasional
(9%?3%): Pharyngitis headache diarrhea dyspepsia nausea depression. Rare
(Less Than 3%): Myalgia asthenia back pain.
Adverse effects/toxic reactions
Potential for ocular lens opacities. Hypersensitivity reaction hepatitis
rhabdomyolysis occur rarely.
Don’t Use:
Anticoagulant therapy hepatic impairment substantial alcohol
consumption elective major surgery renal impairment acute renal failure
uncontrolled hypothyroidism elderly pts.