Norocin 400 mg ORAL

Manufacturer: Bosch
Generic: Norfloxacin 400 mg ORAL
Guarantee: 100% Genuine Product
Delivery: 24 Hours
Availability: In stock
Category: ,

Risk Factors:

Pregnancy: Contraindicated in pregnancy. Lactation: Contraindicated or not recommended. Contraindications: Prepubertal children and growing adolescents


Cystitis pyelitis cystopyelitis pyelonephritis specially infections caused by multiple resistant problem organisms. Typhoid/paratyphoid fever and acute

Adverse Effects:

Nausea headache dizziness rash heartburn abdominal cramps diarrhoea. Anorexia sleep disturbances anxiety irriTabletility convulsions hypersensitivity reactions
confusion paraesthesia haemolytic anaemia pancreatitis hepatitis. Photosensitivity; avoid excessive sunlight.

Don’t Use:

Precautions: History of or predisposition to seizures Myasthaenia gravis GGPD deficiency QT prolongation hypokalaemia bradycardia. Avoid excessive sunlight.
Consider pseudomembranous colitis if diarrhoea occurs.

Alternatives for Norfloxacin 400 mg ORAL

Utibex 400 mg ORALCibex 67.50
Renor 400 mg ORALGenome 108.00
Norasia 400 mg ORALAmbrosia 108.00
Baccidal 400 mg ORALGray's 108.00
Trizolin 400 mg ORALHigh-Q 110.03
Floxanor 400 mg ORALGeofman 129.12
Floxin 400 mg ORALHilton 137.57
Urac 400 mg ORALRock pharma 145.42
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