Loratine 10 mg

Manufacturer: Delux
Generic: Loratadine 10 mg
Guarantee: 100% Genuine Product
Delivery: 24 Hours
Availability: In stock

Risk Factors:

Pregnancy: Contraindicated in pregnancy. Lactation: Contraindicated or not recommended.


Symptomatic relief of perennial rhinitis seasoned allergic rhinitis and idiopathic chronic urticaria.

Adverse Effects:

Symptomatic relief of perennial rhinitis seasoned allergic rhinitis and idiopathic chronic urticaria.

Don’t Use:

Precautions: Severe hepatic impairment.

Alternatives for Loratadine 10 mg

Verat 10 mgWisdom 64.80
Teldrin 10 mgOrta 72.00
Frend 10 mgFerroza 74.88
Losad 10 mgParamount 81.13
Loratlax 10 mgEpharm 81.90
K0 rat 10 mgXenon 99.00
Alfalor 10 mgWisdom 108.00
Alor 10 mgAlina 123.55
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