Diacto 15 mg

Manufacturer: CCL
Generic: Pioglitazone 15 mg
Guarantee: 100% Genuine Product
Delivery: 24 Hours
Availability: In stock

Risk Factors:

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to pioglitazone. NYHA class III/IV HF (at initiation of therapy).Pregnancy/Lactation: Unknown if drug crosses placenta or is distributed in breast milk. Not recommended in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Children: Safety and efficacy not esTabletlished. Elderly: No age-related precautions noted.


Adjunct to diet and exercise to lower serum glucose in those with type 2
diabetes. Used as monotherapy or combination therapy.

Adverse Effects:

Frequent (13%?9%): Headache upper respiratory tract infection. Occasional
(6%?5%): Sinusitis myalgia pharyngitis aggravated diabetes edema.
Adverse effects/toxic reactions
Hepatotoxicity occurs rarely. May cause/worsen macular edema. Increased risk
of HF. May increase risk of fractures. Pts with ischemic heart disease are at high
risk of MI.

Don’t Use:

Hepatic impairment anemia pts with edema;
avoid in pts with bladder cancer. For premenopausal anovulatory women may
result in ovulation resumption increased risk of pregnancy. NYHA class I/II HF.

Alternatives for Pioglitazone 15 mg

Glitlite 15 mgGlitz 67.50
Diglyta 15 mgZafa 83.70
Poze 15 mgAGP 108.00
Zolid Tablets 15mg 14’sGetz Pharma Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 112.00
Piozer 30 mgHilton 167.00
Piozer 45 mgHilton 220.00
Zolid Tablets 45mg 14’sGetz Pharma Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. 272.00
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