Delip 20mg
Risk Factors:
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to atorvastatin. Active hepatic disease breastfeeding pregnancy unexplained elevated LFT results.Pregnancy/Lactation: Distributed in breast milk. Contraindicated during pregnancy. May produce fetal skeletal malformation. Children: Safety and efficacy not esTabletlished. Elderly: No age-related precautions noted
Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in high-risk pts. Reduces risk of
stroke and heart attack in pts with type 2 diabetes with or without evidence of
heart disease. Reduces risk of stroke in pts with or without evidence of heart
disease with multiple risk factors other than diabetes. Adjunct to diet therapy in
management of hyperlipidemias (reduces elevations in total cholesterol LDL-C
apolipoprotein B triglycerides in pts with primary hypercholesterolemia)
homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia in pts 10?17 yrs of age females more than 1 yr
postmenarche. OFF-LABEL: Secondary prevention in pts who have
experienced a noncardioembolic stroke/TIA or following an acute coronary
syndrome (ACS) event.
Adverse Effects:
Common: Atorvastatin is generally well tolerated. Side effects are usually mild
and transient. Frequent (16%): Headache. Occasional (5%?2%): Myalgia
rash pruritus allergy. Rare (less than 2%?1%): Flatulence dyspepsia
Adverse effects/toxic reactions
Potential for cataracts photosensitivity myalgia rhabdomyolysis
Don’t Use:
Anticoagulant therapy; history of hepatic disease; substantial alcohol
consumption; pts with prior stroke/TIA; concomitant use of potent CYP3A4
inhibitors; elderly (predisposed to myopathy).