Caricard 100 mg
Risk Factors:
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to atenolol. Cardiogenic shock uncompensated HF second- or third-degree heart block (except with functioning pacemaker) sinus bradycardia sinus node dysfunction pulmonary edema pregnancy.Pregnancy/Lactation: Readily crosses placenta; distributed in breast milk. Avoid use during first trimester. May produce bradycardia apnea hypoglycemia hypothermia during delivery; low birth-weight infants. Children: No age-related precautions noted. Elderly: Age-related peripheral vascular disease renal impairment require caution.
Atenolol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes heart attacks and kidney problems. This medication is also used to treat chest pain (angina) and to improve survival after a heart attack.
Atenolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate blood pressure and strain on the heart.
Adverse Effects:
Atenolol is generally well tolerated with mild and transient side effects.
Frequent: Hypotension manifested as cold extremities constipation or diarrhea
diaphoresis dizziness fatigue headache nausea. Occasional: Insomnia
flatulence urinary frequency impotence or decreased libido depression. Rare:
Rash arthralgia myalgia confusion (esp. in the elderly) altered taste.
Adverse effects/toxic reactions
Overdose may produce profound bradycardia hypotension. Abrupt withdrawal
may result in diaphoresis palpitations headache tremors. May precipitate HF
MI in pts with cardiac disease; thyroid storm in pts with thyrotoxicosis;
peripheral ischemia in pts with existing peripheral vascular disease.
Hypoglycemia may occur in previously controlled diabetes. Thrombocytopenia
(unusual bruising bleeding) occurs rarely.
Don’t Use:
Elderly renal impairment peripheral vascular disease
diabetes thyroid disease bronchospastic disease compensated HF myasthenia
gravis psychiatric disease history of anaphylaxis to allergens concurrent use
with digoxin verapamil or diltiaZEM.